JAM Club Scarecrow - 2007
Joseph and his amazing multi-coloured coat
This year at the Wickhambrook village carnival the children of the JAM Club made a scarecrow for the scarecrow competition. Last year was the first time this was event had been held at the Wickhambrook Carnival and the children made a scarecrow of our vicar as was then, Father Ian Finn. Many said it was a very good likeness. Unfortunately they did not win but there were about 20 entries to compete against.
This year though with the high profile of Joseph on television the JAM Club decided to make a scarecrow of "Joseph and his amazing multi-coloured coat". This was very well received and their scarecrow came a well placed third. So well done to them. They greatly enjoyed making the scarecrow and also the opportunity to learn about one of the most colourful people from the Old Testement.
Joseph and his amazing multi-coloured coat with some of the JAM Club
The head was made from papier-mache and then painted; along with a very fine head of hair it complimented the rather dashing robes that were hand-crafted for the occasion. Clearly there were some talented people involved.
Next year, of course, they hope to win. After all they are improving each year…