Bansfield BeneficeDiocese of St Edmundbury & IpswichChurch of England Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes


Table I - Upcoming Services 2024/2025
Month (Click on month for services) Cycle
March Services (Ash Wednesday, Lent 1-3, Mothering Sunday) Year C
April Services (Passion Sunday, Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Day) Year C


The services use Common Worship (CW) or Book of Common Prayer (BCP) depending on the service type and venue. CW is available in both pdf and rtf format and can be either downloaded or viewed below in Table II.

All the Lectionary readings for the year are available for both CW and BCP. Click on the respective link or in the sidebar navigation.

The readings are split into Years A, B and C which form a three year cycle of readings. These can be found below under the Lectionary section or by clicking Church of England Lectionary page.

The liturgical colours represent different events and festivals throughout the Christian calendar.

Table II - Common Worship
Section Page Nos
Calendar 0-17
Prayer 18-153
Communion 154-335
Initiation 336-373
Collects 374-523
Lectionary 524-591
Psalter 592-773
Canticles 774-end
Zipped rtf format 0-end
Last Modified Friday 28 February 2025