Church News Volume 1, Issue 8
Dear friends,
On a Palestinian Sunday morning early, whilst it was still dark,
an event occurred that was to shake the whole world to its very
A man who had been crucified, who had died miserably and innocently
a criminal's death on the Roman instrument of execution, whose dead
body had been carried away by sorrowful, loving hands of friends
to a rock hewn tomb and sealed up there: - reports and gossip had
it that he was alive again! Jesus of Nazareth, who claimed to be
the Son of God, the Messiah, had been killed and had risen from
the dead.
From that moment the world could never be the same again. Its
whole history would take a new course. The whole destiny of humanity
for good or evil would be completely altered. On that morning a
new civilisation arose, a new never-before-seen beauty appeared
upon the earth.
For Christianity arose with Jesus Christ on that first Easter morning.
It was not just the physical body of Jesus that came from the tomb,
bearing the wounds of the Passion, but alive, revitalised, full
of new life. He had a new body as He passed through the gates of
death and this body would be seen and understood in many different
The Easter message is one of great joy, not just because Jesus
rose from the dead 2000 years ago, wonderful though that alone would
be. His followers are also promised a share in this new Easter life.
All who are Baptised into the Church, the Body of Christ here on
earth, will share in the resurrection.
What greater incentive could there be to return to the Lord and
His Church this Easter time, to reaffirm your committment to Him,
to give thanks for all He has done in dying on the cross for you,
to claim the promise made by Jesus Himself that all who call upon
His name and remain faithful to Him will share in the resurrection
to eternal life.
Times of Holy Week and Easter services are published in this Newsletter.
Do come and join our worship. The Lord is risen : He is risen indeed,
Happy Easter,
Revd Ian M. Finn
News Letter Archive.