Church News Volume 1, Issue 11
Dear friends,
On the Day of Pentecost the disciples of Jesus were gathered together
behind closed doors. They were afraid of the outside world. How
were they to fulfill Jesus' wish to take the Gospel message out
to other people? As a group they were comfortable together talking
about their faith in Jesus but how would they be received in society?
They lacked confidence, determination, and would prefer to stay
put in their holy huddle.
How like the church of today this picture can be!
But Jesus was faithful to His promise that He would send from Heaven
the promised Comforter, the Holy Spirit. The Spirit came upon the
disciples suddenly. Their experience was variously described as
though taken over by the rush of a mighty wind, as tongues of flames
on each of their heads warming their souls. Courage, confidence,
and joy filled that group and enabled them to go out into the world
and proclaim the Gospel message in word and in deed.
We too need the Holy Spirit to enable us to come out of our churches
with confidence, to be a more effective force for the Lord in our
daily lives.
Another important aspect of the power of the Holy Spirit was that,
all those to whom God spoke through the Spirit at work in the disciples,
heard His word to them in their own language. The religious language
of the Jerusalem Temple was not the only language of the Almighty.
But God was seen to be speaking to people each in his/her own tongue.
How often we confuse in our churches the importance of keeping
safe the traditions of the past, with the belief that God can only
speak to us in language of past generations. The Holy Spirit is
the power of God in our own age, in our daily language, and although
the beautiful and poetic language of years past has an important
role to play in the worship of the church today we must not try
to limit God's Word by its exclusive use. The Church of England
has produced a new prayer book which will come into force on Advent
Sunday 2000. Common Worship will reflect the moving of the Holy
Spirit in the Church today with services traditional in language
and form, alongside more contemporary language and styles of worship.
This is an important time for us to introduce new forms of worship
in our Benefice churches, allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to those
in our parishes in our services of public worship in a language
they will understand.
Let us make for our own the prayer of St Nerses of Clajes;
Holy Spirit of God, who came upon our Lord Jesus Christ at the
River Jordan, and upon the disciples at Pentecost; in Your mercy
give light to our minds and purity to our hearts; for the sake of
Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN
Revd Ian M. Finn
News Letter Archive.