Church News Volume 2, Issue 1
Dear friends,
King Solomon was a wise king, in fact the Bible tells us he was
the wisest king who ever lived. Like Dr Doolittle he talked to the
animals, he could charm a lion from its den, a tiger from its lair
and the birds from the trees. He could do the same with human beings - most
famously the Queen of Sheba. We can read all about Solomon in the
Old Testament first book of Kings.
Solomon is praised in the Bible above all else for his wisdom.
Being wise is not the same as being clever. There are plenty of
clever people around who are far from being wise. Cleverness is
knowing about things: wisdom is being able to discern the true values
of life. As Tennyson once wrote, "Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers."
Maybe many of us have known clever, well educated people and yet
because they lack wisdom - commonsense if you like - these clever people
have made the most awful mess of their own lives and the lives of
Our political world, the workplace, the financial world, even the
religious world, all suffer from people who are just a bit too clever
and who lack vision. "Wisdom is oftentimes nearer when we stoop
than when we soar." (William Wordsworth)
Solomon prayed for the wisdom to discern the true value of things - and
surely that is the prayer we should also make for ourselves. Final
thought : a poem by E.H. Richards,
A wise old owl sat on an oak The more he saw the less he spoke;
The less he spoke the more he heard; Why aren't we like that wise
old bird?
Revd Ian M. Finn
News Letter Archive.