Church News Volume 3, Issue 8
Dear friends,
In the life of our parish churches April is a time of reflection
and change. The Annual Parish Meetings are a time to reflect on
all that has happened over the last year, services, events, fund
raising and finance. It is a time to say 'thank you' to those who
have made extraordinary efforts on behalf of their church taking
on responsibilities, doing the jobs which are necessary around the
church building, leading worship, playing the music, cleaning the
ornaments, looking after the fabric of the building, playing an
active role on committees, representing the church at other functions
and events.
As we reflect we also give thanks to God for His many blessings
bestowed upon us in the last year. Moving acts of worship, new people
in our congregations, signs of His Holy Spirit alive and active
in our midst. We thank Him for the way He is making the direction
we must take as a Benefice clearer as the months go by.
It never ceases to amaze me what time, effort and resources some
people will give to keep the church building going. This isn't just
because it is a lovely place to hold the Church services, nor only
because the buildings are ancient. Many give to keep the Church
building open because they realize how important to the life of
a village community the Parish church building is. The history of
a village is in the fabric of a church, many of the ex-residents
in the graveyard.
What is sad is that the majority of villagers are quite happy for
a few of their neighbours to support a building they want to see
kept open, that they believe is important as a historical building
even if not as a place of worship, and for their benefit keep it
that way in case they want to use it (a Christening of a child or
grandchild, a wedding or maybe a family funeral).
When we reflect on the past and think of how much effort our ancestors
put into looking after their church building, the sacrifices they
made to build, repair and maintain the fabric and how a village
was proud of their church, we ought to realise how important it
is to keep it that way.
The worshipping Church community uses these beautiful buildings
for services but the time is fast approaching when we the worshiping
community, can no longer financially afford to repair them. Unless
others see the value of the buildings as historical monuments, places
to reflect upon, and give thanks for the past, then sadly the future
of our church buildings does look grim.
The worshipping Church community will hold services elsewhere without
the financial burden of an ancient building. The village church
will fall into disrepair, but the Church will continue.
But it doesn't have to be that way! Upon reflection we can all
help to preserve our village church and not leave it to a few people
who actually use it for worship. Schemes are available in most of
our parishes for people to join and contribute towards the maintenance
and repair of the ancient building, as distinct from the worshipping
Church who will contribute towards the 'religious' side of activities
and ministry. If you want to help preserve the ancient church in
your village ask about a 'Friends of' or 'restoration' scheme at
the church. Your assistance today will preserve the building for
tomorrow and generations to come.
Rev.Ian M. Finn
News Letter Archive.