Church News Volume 4, Issue 7
Dear friends,
Tennyson once wrote a poem 'In Memoriam'in which he
says "There lives more faith in honest doubt, believe
me, than in half the creeds". As we journey through
the Easter season are we allowed to have doubts, about
spiritual matters, about our understanding of the Bible
story of Easter, or do we see our doubts as signs of
weakness, spiritual weakness? Looking in on the church
we might feel we cannot be part of the life of the
church because we have those doubts, that many of the
things the church teaches us are hard to accept and
understand - so the easy way out is to stay away and
think it's not for us.
But one of the great stories of Easter is that of
Thomas' meeting with the Risen Jesus. Thomas was not
with the other disciples we are told when Jesus first
appeared to them in the upper room on Easter evening.
He doubted and wanted to see Jesus for himself. When
Jesus next appeared Thomas was there and exclaimed "My
Lord and my God!".
Doubt, what Tennyson called "honest doubt", is not
wrong, unreasonable, or a sign of weakness. Doubt is
normal. We all have doubts. Uncertainty is natural;
and questioning inspired by doubting is vital, to our
knowledge, our safety, our well-being, and our faith.
Do you know of anyone who has no doubts? Someone who is
certain of everything? If you find such a person you
will find someone who is inhuman, and one for whom we
should be deeply concerned.
It is a paradox that for there to be doubt there has to
be belief; there has to be faith, however tenuous,
however miniscule, wavering, or buffeted by the winds.
To doubt is not to disbelieve. To doubt is to ask
questions. To ask questions is to find answers. To
find answers is to uncover belief and faith.
A perceptive and a reassuring Chinese proverb says :
'The one who asks is a fool for five minutes - but the
one who does not ask is a fool forever!' An important
Christian virtue is to be vulnerable, and part of
vulnerability is honest doubt. If we need a role model
it is surely St. Thomas. He provides us with assurance
that by doubting we ask questions and find answers. In
his doubting he found the Risen Lord Jesus and his
Easter faith.
What will we find through our doubting, our
questioning? The church welcomes those who have doubts.
God accepts and respects those with doubts.
So don't let your doubts keep you away from God and His
church - that really is foolishness. Let your doubts
lead you to inquire more fully about the faith you have
heard and which is proclaimed in our churches.
Revd Ian M. Finn
News Letter Archive.