Bansfield BeneficeDiocese of St Edmundbury & IpswichChurch of England Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes

Rector's View - October 2010

Dear friends,

As we continue to analyse results from the survey, plans are now being put in place to address some of the issues raised. Thank you so much to everyone who has helped us by giving us your views, we will do our best to respond.

Would you like to find out more?

Firstly, a significant number of people have said that they would like to find out more about the Christian faith. We, in the Church, are sometimes guilty of making assumptions about what people think and believe, but for many people they are not sure, or are still exploring. To try to respond to this need, I would like to run a short course in November. Over five one hour meetings, we could meet together informally, with no pressure or expectations, to explore what Christianity is all about. There would be plenty of opportunity to discuss, to ask questions and to listen to each other in an atmosphere of openness and trust. I hope that existing members of the church will also come along to talk about what their faith means to them and how their membership of the church gives meaning and purpose to their lives. Everyone will be very welcome. It would help us to know likely numbers so if you, or someone you know, might be interested in attending the course, please let me or a Churchwarden know. All the sessions will be on:

Monday evenings at 7.30pm in the Benefice Hall, next to All Saints' Church, Wickhambrook. Details are as follows:

  1. 1st November – Why have faith?
  2. 8th November – Why the Christian Faith?
  3. 15th November – Why the Church?
  4. 22nd November – Why attend and get involved in the local church?
  5. 29th November – “Why me?

Children and young people in the Church

Secondly, we were all very sad when the Jam Club (Jesus and me) collapsed a year ago, due to a lack of both children and helpers. The Jam Club met on the first Sunday of each month at 9.30am in the Benefice Hall next to All Saints Church, Wickhambrook. It was a lot of fun and enjoyed by those who attended, both children and adults. The children ranged in age from three to ten. A theme for the day was chosen with activities, songs and games linked to it. The children joined the congregation towards the end of the service for a blessing and to show them what they had done that morning in the Jam Club and the congregation loved to see them.

We would love to relaunch the Jam Club, to which children and leaders from all seven parishes in the Benefice would be most warmly welcome. If you would be interested in your children attending the Jam Club would you please let me or a Churchwarden know, so that we can assess likely interest? Similarly, if you would be prepared to be a leader or helper please let us know. As well as leaders, we need people to help set up the Benefice Hall – this includes putting the tables up, preparation with the arts and crafts, helping during Jam Club itself, and assisting with refreshments afterwards. This is for about two hours, from 9.00am – 11.00am. If we had enough people it would not even have to be every month. Children are not only the Church of the future, but a much valued part of the Church today. What a joy it would be to have children involved in the life of the Church again. Please help, if you can.

All Souls’ Tide 2010

At 3.30pm on Sunday 7th November 2010 at All Saints’ Church, Wickhambrook we will be holding a service to remember and pray for our departed loved ones. Everyone is warmly invited to this service, which we hope you will find helpful and comforting.

During the service, the names of the departed will be read out and there will be an opportunity to light candles in memory of them. The candles serve as a symbol – both of the prayers we offer for our loved ones, and of Jesus Christ the light of the world, in whom we place our hope and who leads us from death to life.

If you would like the names of departed loved ones to be included in the prayers at the service, please write them on the list at the back of the Churches.


Revd Stephen Abbott

News Letter Archive.

Last Modified Sunday 04 March 2018