Rural Dean's View - April 2012
Dear friends,
It's almost Holy Week (Palm Sunday 1st April, Easter Day 8th April). It’s the most important week in the calendar of the Church. It reminds us of the story of the last week in the life of Jesus, from the entry into Jerusalem riding on a donkey, the crowds calling out ‘Hosanna’ and waving branches of palm to the King Jesus. The people expected this to be a triumphal entry into the great city, the beginning of their liberation from Roman oppression. But as the week progressed the cries of praise turned by Friday to the shouts and jeers of ‘Crucify’. The Jewish leaders were afraid of Jesus, that He was going to upset the balance of power, to lead an uprising which would bring upon the nation great recrimination from Rome. They were afraid that Jesus was leading the people to believe He was the long awaited Messiah and the people would turn away from their rules and regulations and follow a new way, a new kingdom, a new teaching. The people were swayed by a frightened leadership. The prophet Jesus was handed over to be killed brutally and cruelly on a cross as though He were a common criminal. The long awaited and promised Messiah was killed.
But as we know that was not the end of the story. Jesus rose again from the dead on that glorious Easter morning. He showed us that nothing can overcome the power of the love of God, no powers earthly, or spiritual, even death itself is conquered. Jesus was the Messiah long hoped for. He did herald a new kingdom, but not just of this earth, the Heavenly Kingdom now revealed on earth as it is in Heaven. Jesus shows us that the final victory in this life is not won by death, but life continues, death is vanquished, we can all have hope that life continues through the gates of death, we shall meet our loved ones again in the Kingdom of heaven.
That is something to rejoice over this Easter time.
Come and join us in thankfulness and praise.
Happy Easter.
Revd Canon Ian Finn
Rural Dean
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