Bansfield BeneficeDiocese of St Edmundbury & IpswichChurch of England Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes

Heritage Visits to Bansfield Benefice Churches

The parishes of the Bansfield Benefice are always happy to receive visitors. However to ensure the church is open, please complete the simple form below so that arrangements may be made to ensure the church is open for your visit. We would advise giving at least one week's notice of a visit. Where possible, e.g. Wickhambrook, the churches do display key holder notices.

Churches' opening times
Church Status Location Donate online
Cowlinge Open for services; otherwise locked What 3 Words Donate
Denston Open for services; open daily 10am to 3pm What 3 Words Donate
Lidgate Open for services; otherwise locked What 3 Words Donate
Ousden Open for services; open daily 10am to 3pm What 3 Words Not available
Stansfield Open for services; otherwise locked What 3 Words Donate
Stradishall Open for services; open daily 10am to 3pm What 3 Words Not available
Wickhambrook Open for services; otherwise locked What 3 Words Donate

Plan your route to a benefice church


If you are content with your visit maybe you might help with the upkeep of these expensive buildings for current and future generations by making a contribution after your visit. Each of the benefice's seven churches have running costs of about £10,000 a year. A donation of £3 - £5 is suggested; much less than a coffee and cake at a cafe.

The best way to ensure the building is open and that local history experts are at hand to assist and guide you is to join us for a church service. Why not peruse the service rota and see what date might be convenient? We'd love to see you.

Thank you.

Last Modified Thursday 27 June 2024