Bansfield BeneficeDiocese of St Edmundbury & IpswichChurch of England Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes

Gill Green's Ordination

Bury St Edmunds Cathedral - 25th June 2006

Gill Green who was a Deacon in the Stour Valley Group in the Clare Deanery was ordained Priest at St. Edmundsbury Cathedral on Sunday 25th June 2006. Gill was well-support by both parishioners from the Stour Valley Group and the Bansfield Benefice at this important service and we all wish her well in the ministry. Gill will continue her ministry in the Stour Valley Group of churches.

Ian and Gill

Revd Ian Finn & Revd Gill Green

ordination group

Ordination Group with the Bishop

Bury St Edmunds Cathedral - 26th June 2005

One of our Readers, Mrs Gill Green of Ousden, has recently completed training for the Ordained Ministry and will be made a Deacon in St. Edmundsbury Cathedral on Sunday 26th June 2005. Gill will then serve her title in Clare Benefice. She will be ordained a priest next year. Many people from the Benefice, her family and friends will attend the service and celebrate with a party afterwards in Wickhambrook. We hope that in a few years time Gill may be able to return and work in the Bansfield Benefice with us. We wish her every blessing in her ministry.

Gill Green

Gill Green cutting her cake - 26th June 2005

Cathedral Millennium Tower

Bury St Edmunds cathedral tower

Last Modified Monday 12 February 2018