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Suffolk's Church leader's statement on tragedy


13/12/2006 - Suffolk

Following the sad deaths of five young women around Ipswich, Suffolk's Church leaders have issued the following statement.

"We are deeply saddened by the events of the past few weeks and especially the discovery of the women's bodies in the last few days. Our prayers and those of all the churches in Suffolk are with the families of the victims and with the Police who are working on these tragic incidents."

"The churches in Ipswich are open for people to find a quiet place to be and to pray and a number of Carol Services taking place this week will have a period of silence to remember those who have died and their families and friends."

"Christmas is time for celebration but it is also a time to remember those who are pushed to the edges of society and are therefore particularly vulnerable, but who were among the first to recognise the Messiah."

  • The Revd Paul Hills - Eastern Baptist Association
  • The Revd Graham Thompson - East Anglia District of the Methodist Church
  • The Revd Elizabeth Caswell - Eastern Synod Moderator, United Reformed Church
  • Bishop Michael Evans - Bishop of East Anglia, Roman Catholic Church
  • Bishop Richard Lewis - Bishop of St Edmundsbury & Ipswich
  • Bishop Clive Young - Bishop of Dunwich
  • Majors Alan and Alison Burns - Salvation Army

A Prayer for Ipswich this December

Lord Jesus, who came amongst us at the first Christmas
so that the people who dwelt in darkness might see your great light,
lighten our darkness at this time of sorrow and fear.
We pray for those who have been killed,
that you will look in compassion on their troubled lives and deaths;
for their families and friends,
that you will strengthen them in their grief and helplessness;
for our police, who on our behalf are facing hard and unpleasant work,
that they may be sustained and upheld in what lies before them;
and for us all, that your love and protection may be outstretched over us,
now and always.


Prayer written by the Revd Bruce Wakeling, Chaplain to Suffolk Police HQ

Last Modified Friday 02 March 2018