Bell ringing
All the churches of the Bansfield Benefice have bells, however only three, Cowlinge, Stansfield and Stradishall have bells that can be rung - more information below.
To learn more about bell ringing in the county of Suffolk please go to the Suffolk Guild of Ringers website. [Also see the Rector's News Letter from April 2016.]
Nationally please see
Both Lidgate and Ousden churches chime their bells which means the bells are struck by a hammer controlled method via either a keyboard console (Ellacombe chimes) as in the case of Ousden or a rope as in the case of Lidgate.
The other churches of the benefice are listed below but Denston and Lidgate do not have a peal of bells for ringing only two each so are not listed.
- St Nicholas' church, Denston - not listed
- St Mary's church, Lidgate - not listed
Wickhambrook has a peal of five bells but due to the weakness of the bell frame they can not be rung. There is a hope that an Ellacombe chime apparatus can be installed so they can be heard.