Bansfield BeneficeDiocese of St Edmundbury & IpswichChurch of England Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes Benefice Scenes

Wickhambrook Restoration Committee

All Saints' Church PCC are very please to have the following persons as members of the Wickhambrook Restoration Committee.

Name Position
Mr JL Gardner Chairman and Co-ordinator
Mr M Chester
Deputy Chairman, Church Warden,
PCC, Patron
Mr S Bransby-Zachary Honoury Treasurer
Dr AP Bevan
Church Warden, Lay Elder, PCC,
Webmaster, Patron
Mrs J Chester PCC, Patron
Mrs D Claydon -
Mr S Coe -
Dr AP Draycott Lay Reader, PCC, Patron
Mrs J Draycott Patron
Mr LF Hanbury Patron, PCC
Mrs G Hanbury Patron
Mr K Harrison -
Mrs M Robinson -
Lady D Rowland Patron
Previous members
Name Position
Mr I Plover Honoury Treasurer
Mr K O'Conner Honoury Treasurer
Mr M Scowen -
Miss E Wall Patron

* PCC = Parochial Church Council

Last Modified Thursday 05 May 2011