Restoration Work - Phase 1
Work started on Phase 1 in September 2001 by R & J Hogg Ltd.
This work is confined to the tower. The architect is Tony Redman
of the Whitworth Co-partnership.
Scaffolding on the tower
The work undertaken includes: Re-leading the roof;
repairing the parapets; repairing and treating Death-watch
beetle-damaged joists*; repairing the guttering; replacing the
louvres in the belfry; replacing of meshing in belfry windows;
repainting the clock hands and numbers.
* Death-watch beetle larvae cause great damage to timbers
generating 3-4mm diameter holes in the wood which compromises its
Scaffolding on the tower
Graffiti dating from 1666,
1699, 1715 and 1782 was found on the roof including a windmill
Internally, there is a degree of subsidence in the tower which was
partially addressed in the 1980s but may need further attention in
the future. This can be seen in one of the pillars supporting the tower is in bad
repair. This will need strengthening to help support the tower and
may form part of a later phase of the repairs.
The work on the tower was finished in January 2002. This was later
than had originally been anticipated but with the discovery of
Death-watch beetle damaged timbers more work had to be undertaken to
replace these timbers. This also required the erection of a temporary
roof on the top of the scaffolding to stop rain entering the now
opened roof space.
Below is a short gallery of photos taken at a later stage of the
restoration. Click on a thumb-nail image to reveal the full sized
picture. Then click on the browser "back button" to return
to the gallery.