The Village Sign
On Saturday 13th July 2002, the day of the village carnival, the
Wickhambrook Village Sign was unveiled. The first piece, written
by Peter Miller - Parish Clerk, is taken from the Wickhambrook Scene
(September 2002) with further information provided by Colin Bird
- Village Postman, taken from the Wickhambrook Scene (November 2002).
Detailed images can be seen at the foot of the page.
Wickhambrook Scene (Sep 2002)
Design and Construction.
Village Sign
On the day of the unveiling and since I have been asked a number
of times how the sign was made and what it represents.
To start with the sign maker had discussions with the parish council,
spoke to a number of residents with historical knowledge of the
area and toured the village to get a feel for it. He then produced
outline drawings of his ideas for the sign. Once there was a degree
of agreement he turned the drawings into full colour paintings.
A number of drawings and paintings were produced but finally a design
was settled on and manufacture could start. First the sign maker
carved a full size model of the sign in plaster. This was sent to
the casters who used it to form a sand mould into which molten metal
was poured. Once this had cooled and hardened it was cleaned up
and returned to the sign maker. He then hand-painted the sign and
weather proofed it. Finally it went to the frame maker to be installed
in its scrollwork frame so completing the sign ready for mounting
on its post.
What Does the Sign Depict?
As you approach the sign from Thorns Corner, All Saints' church
is easily recognisable on the top panel. The mill, no longer with
us, represents those which were in Mill Lane and at Thorns Corner
and the thatched cottage one of many such in the village. The harvester
represents the arable content of most of the village farms and the
waterway, with its wildlife, the village stream and the many ponds
that there used to be and the few that are left. On the bottom panel,
the house in the background represents the manor houses of the village
and the playing field our eleven village greens with the cricket
team which, although not active at the moment, dates back to the
1800's. Judging by the handcuffs hanging over his arm, the gentleman
with the top hat and pint probably represents the local constable,
the village had its own until 1973, or the beadle of the poorhouse
or maybe both. The bar between the panels depicts the leaves and
fruit of the trees common to the village with, at its centre, stonemasonry
which can be seen in the church. Finally the masks of comedy and
tragedy at the top of the sign represent Wickhambrook's tradition
of pantomime.
On the other side the top panel shows two of the village crafts,
bakery and thatching, and the two pubs, The Greyhound and The Cloak,
the latter having closed its doors to the public in 1989, with the
tree between them representing the orchards of Justin Brooke. The
bottom panel depicts the primary school with the children, particularly
the one with the hoop, indicating the school's Victorian heritage.
The post box, dating from 1859 and the only one of its kind in the
British Isles, is still to be seen at Boyden End although, unlike
the one on the sign, it is no longer in use. The centre bar repeats
the tree theme and the crown at the top represents the visit of
Princess Anne to the village in 1979. I think that about covers
it but the more you look at the sign the more detail you see so
I have probably missed something. If you identify anything else,
or if you disagree with my interpretation, please let me know.
Peter Miller
Wickhambrook Scene (Nov 2002)
It was very interesting to read the piece in the last issue of
the Scene, detailing how the new village sign was designed and manufactured.
It truly is a work of art, and is something of which Wickhambrook
can be justifiably proud.
As a member of the Parish Council when the project was started
some years ago, I was pleasantly surprised to see that in fact the
original design that had been agreed upon then, had not been changed
in any way, and I wondered if I might be allowed to add a few things
to the Parish Clerk's interpretation of what the sign depicts. First
of all, everything on the sign is there for a reason and was the
result of a good deal of consultation and thought. Water is quite
prominent because of course the Brook is inherent to our village,
and is incorporated in its very name. Likewise the moated manor
houses and ponds, some of which have been long filled in.
It's interesting to note that the specific reason for the Kingfisher
being present, was that at the time there was an almost daily sighting
of one of these brilliant little birds, practicing the fishing technique
at The Wash, and was written about at the time in the Scene. This
was a significant event because it meant that there must have been
an abundance of food in the brook, which itself indicated pollution
free water.
Now to the "Village constable" enjoying a pint of good ale. Actually
he is the mole catcher, and the 'handcuffs' are in fact mole traps
- some of his unfortunate victims can be seen hanging from his staff.
Even the tree he is sitting under is representative of the walnut
tree that gave its name to the Walnut Tree public house at Attleton
Green, also known then as The Sizzler - the very tree that can be
seen on the cover photo of John Bean's excellent book - 'Ten Miles
from Anywhere'. The mole catcher himself once lived in a house in
the lane that has since become known as - of course - Mole Hill.
The friezes dividing the top and bottom scenes containing fruit,
are in recognition of the very important role that Justin Brooke's
fruit farms played in the development of the village.
The oak tree seen in the background between the Cloak and Greyhound
pubs, is in memory of the avenue of ancient oaks that once swept
down to the rear, and to the lesser extent to the front of Badmondisfield
Hall. Imagine the events that those trees must have witnessed over
the centuries, and what a colossal act of vandalism in their felling.
Finally the crown does indeed depict Princess Anne's visit to the
Riding for the disabled establishment in 1979, but it also commemorates
the visit to the school of King George V in 1912, an event of huge
magnitude at the time.
Originally some of them were in favour of a unique three sided
sign, which would have depicted even more of Wickhambrook's rich
history. This idea was soon squashed as being too ambitious and
expensive, but Alf Hicks who was enthusiastic about the idea summed
it up when he referred to it as, "An extraordinary sign, for an
extraordinary village. Ah well, we haven't done too badly!"
Colin Bird
Close-up Views
Click on the thumbnails to see a close-up view.