The Hundreds Of Suffolk - Risbridge
Of the hundreds of Suffolk, the seven churches of the Bansfield
Benefice fall into the Risbridge and Newmarket Hundreds.
RISBRIDGE HUNDRED - 26 parishes comprising 20 of the 30
parishes in Risbridge Hundred, the exceptions being :- Hawkedon
which is in Sudbury Union, Kentford which is in Mildenhall Union,
Dalham, Gazeley, Lidgate, Moulton, and
Ousden which are in Newmarket Union,
Chedburgh, Denham and Depden which are in Thingoe Union. The Union
is divided into 3 sub-districts :- Haverhill, Clare and Wickhambrook. Risbridge Monks is extra
parochial. Within the sub-district of Wickhambrook
is Cowlinge, Denston, Stansfield and Stradishall.